Episode 23 - An Interview with Jeff Cosgrove, Director of Nonprofits at Conversant - Success With Online Advertising

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This week on The Philanthropy Podcast, we're joined by Jeff Cosgrove, Director of Politics, Advocacy, and Nonprofits at Conversant. Jeff and I discuss online advertising and cover a broad range of topics including: how nonprofits can cut through the noise in online advertising, what messaging is leading to increased fundraising success, how to help boards and directors believe in and invest in online advertising, segmenting and oversegmenting, how gift attribution policies need to be redefined to catch up with an online and social platform, how organizations can make the leap from being good in this area to great, and more. 

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Links in this week's episode:

Jeff Cosgrove (LinkedIn)

SAIH (Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund

Radi-Aid Awards

Rusty Radiator

Golden Radiator

Conversant Media

Conversant Media (Twitter)

Conversant Media (LInkedIn)

Conversant Media (Facebook)

Abacus - Epsilon Data Collaborative


Epsilon (Twitter)

Epsilon (LinkedIn)

The Data and Marketing Association

The Data and Marketing Association NonProfit Federation